Transparent Management

How is donation used at WECA?

WECA supports various social, cultural, and academic exchange for kids all over the world to equally have access to high quality education. The precious practice of sharing of sponsors will change the future of kids all over the world who are alienated from education.

Where the donation is used

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    The entire amount, excluding 15% of administrative costs, is provided to children and used for their holistic growth.
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    WECA helps all kids to have an equal privillege of education and culture beyond races, religions, and borders and to become an 'independent adult'.
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    WECA is authorized as an international NGO organization approved by the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and transparently opens the tax confirmation of non-profit foundation according to legal process.

Statement of Account

The followings are the details of annual finance management. We appreciate your beautiful accompany with WECA over the year. We will continue to work honestly with good will so that we can deliver the good heart you have sent to our children.

Settlement of donation
Category Fund (Unit:KRW)
CMS후원회비 6,028,050,176
카드후원회비 970,025,114
회원회비 1,320,000
장학후원금 114,680,000
직접후원금 13,581,734
물품후원금 89,089,600
온라인후원금 185,618,602
목적사업후원금 165,402,890
이자수익 6,710,967
잡이익 9,329,679
전기이월액 2,628,547,627
Total donation 10,212,356,389
Settlement of expense
인건비 632,875,587
운영비 236,772,570
재산조성비(비품) 12,041,100
기부문화확산나눔행사비 2,118,741,781
기부문화확산나눔사업비 642,676,600
기부문화확산관리사업비 182,304,973
국내교육지원사업비 365,596,134
해외교육지원사업비 875,885,812
국내아동장학사업비 50,403,990
해외아동장학사업비 92,872,103
장학사업비 42,325,711
국내문화협력지원사업비 631,267,030
해외문화협력지원사업비 211,974,091
기부캠페인교육사업비 19,437,491
출판홍보사업비 387,180,023
잡손실 939,620
사업예비비 300,000,000
차년도 사업이월금 3,409,061,773
Total expense 10,212,356,389